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Pueblo Democrats Thank President Biden & Urge Unity

Chair Bri Buentello said: “We thank the President for his incredible service to this country during one of its darkest hours with the COVID-19 pandemic. Now it is important that we unify as Democrats and work hard to defeat Donald Trump and elect our first woman president this November.”

Click this link to donate to Kamala's campaign: https://bfptxt.com/6sgFzb

MAURO EDITORIAL - June 11, 2024 - The Pueblo Chieftain

Pueblo State Rep. Tisha Mauro (HD-46):
Colorado Democrats achieve ‘breakthrough’ legislative session
During the 2024 legislative session, we secured breakthrough victories on the issues that matter most to Colorado families including saving you money on housing, increasing education funding to historic levels and boosting transit options for everyone. We even celebrated the inaugural Pueblo Flag Day in March at the state capitol to recognize our city’s significant impact on Colorado’s culture and economy. Let’s dive deeper into some of the bigger accomplishments... Read the entire editorial here.