EXECUTIVE OFFICERS (Term: 2023 – 2025)
To contact officers by phone, call Democratic Party HQ: 719-546-2745 or phone/text cell: 719-252-6644.
Bri Buentello
1st Vice Chair
Cameron Swanson
2nd Vice Chair
Mike Messervy
Breta Ross
Communications Director
Tory Marquesen
Lucretia Robinson
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Term: 2023 – 2025)
Betty Jo Aragon-Freeman
Marlene Brooks
Brianna Buentello
Leslie Cates
Cleo Corsi Zarr
Pamela DiFatta
Shaye Donohue
Hilary Glasgow
Rita Gonzales
Sydney Haney
Sheri Hattan
Monica Hughes
Erick Javaneau
Cindy Jones
Garrett Kelley
Sabrina Larson
Victoria Marquesen
Vicente Martinez Ortega
Marygail Mello
Michael Messervy
Lois Michaud
Jason Munoz-DeLeon
Dennis Obduskey
Carole Partin
Woody Percival
Charles Perko
William Redmond-Palmer
Jackson Ridpath
Lucretia Robinson
Julie Rodriguez
Breta Ross
Selena Ruiz-Gomez
John Singletary
Deric Stowell
Cameron Swanson
Gary Thomas
Tamara Trujillo
Eva Valdez
John Valdez
Harriet Warren
Sheila Webb Lucas
Ron Wiley
CENTRAL COMMITTEE (Term: 2024 – 2026)
All precinct organizers are members of the Central Committee. They are elected at precinct caucuses every two years.
To see the list of precinct organizers, click here.